Warm chicory, taleggio and apple salad

Warm chicory, taleggio and apple salad - Scrumptious lunch treat - heads of chicory, sprigs fresh tarragon, large red apple, of taleggio cheese, A handful of walnut kernels, walnut oil, Sea salt, Cut each head of chicory into four and wash thoroughly.; Wash the apple. Cut into quarters, remove the core and cut each quarter [...]

New potato salad with horseradish cream

New potato salad with horseradish cream - Fantastic with all sorts of meat and fish - new potatoes, crème fraiche, radishes, snipped chives OR 2 spring onions, horseradish sauce, Wash the potatoes and cut in halves. Put them into a saucepan with ½ teaspoon of salt and cover with water. Bring to the boil, then [...]

Warm salad of quinoa and summer veggies

Warm salad of quinoa and summer veggies - A lovely vegetarian one-pot - courgettes, red romano pepper, yellow romano pepper, cup mushrooms, quinoa, red onion, olive oil, Sea salt, black pepper, Rinse the quinoa in a sieve under running water. Cover with water and leave to soak for at least 10 minutes. Then rinse again [...]

Sweet and sour aubergine salad

Sweet and sour aubergine salad - A simple, healthy salad of chunky aubergines, tomatoes & herbs - large aubergines, baby plum tomatoes, bunch fresh parsley, Sprig fresh mint, cloves garlic, onion, olive oil, wine vinegar, sugar or xylitol, Chilli flakes, Sea salt, Top and tail the aubergines and rinse under running water. Cut in half [...]

Feta and beetroot salad

Feta, beetroot and winter leaves - Sweet and tangy salad combo. Scrumptious! - medium beetroots, feta cheese, young spinach leaves, watercress, rocket leaves, caraway seeds, cider vinegar, walnut oil, Sea salt, Trim the leaves from the beetroots, taking care not to cut the skin. Rinse under running water and place in a large pan of [...]

Warm halloumi, spinach and bean salad

Warm halloumi, spinach and bean salad - Spicy with chorizo, healthy, satisfying and budget friendly - halloumi, small cooking chorizo sausages, baby plum tomatoes, baby spinach, Bunch spring onions, tins white beans, garlic cloves, Dijon mustard, olive oil, wine vinegar, Sea salt, Peel the skin off the chorizo and cut the sausages into small chunks. [...]

Patate arraganate

Patate arraganate - Sliced potatoes baked with tomatoes, onions & oregano. Add a salad for a tasty vegetarian main or serve as a substantial side to chicken and meat. - baking potatoes, beef tomatoes, grated pecorino, onions, stale bread, Dried oregano, olive oil, Sea salt, black pepper, PRE-HEAT OVEN TO 180˚C/160˚C FAN/GAS 4; Peel and [...]

Asian-style salmon salad

Asian-style salmon salad - A fabulously fast and zesty weekday meal bursting with fibre, antioxidants, minerals and healthy fats. On the table in just 20 minutes. - salmon fillets, limes, lemon, romano peppers, baby spinach leaves, Bunch spring onions, soba noodles, mirin (sweetened rice wine), gluten-free tamari soy sauce, mixed seeds (we used sunflower seeds, [...]