Mediterranean veggie tart

Mediterranean veggie tart - A delicious vegetarian feast of tangy feta cheese and sweet roasted peppers and tomatoes with griddled aubergines all in a crumbly shortcrust pastry case. - baby plum tomatoes, romano peppers, aubergine, sprigs thyme, butter, crème fraiche, large eggs, feta, olive oil, cloves garlic, onion, wholemeal flour, plain flour, Sea salt, black [...]

Plum clafoutis

Plum clafoutis - This comforting delicious batter pudding is impressive but so easy to make. Perfect for entertaining. - soft plums, large eggs, full fat milk, plain flour, ground almonds, caster sugar, vanilla extract, salt, Butter for greasing, icing sugar for dusting, PRE-HEAT OVEN TO 180˚C/160˚C FAN/GAS 4; Wash, stone and quarter the plums. Grease [...]